We have also pinpointed all 13 Classic Map locations, as well as written a guide on how to find each entrance and its lever so you can unlock these classical gore-filled masterpieces. You can visit our complete guide to all 26 Doomguy models, which features both written and visual guides to help you get started. Originally this guide was meant to serve as a central hub for all of this information, however, due to the massive amount of items to be found, we decided to group things up more accordingly. In this reboot of the demon-slaying series, id has taken careful precautions to give the players everything they want, including a ton of hidden secrets and collectibles to look for as they make their way across the mars installation of the UAC in an attempt to save the universe from Hell's unforgiving forces. id Software has done such a good job with the game, even hiding hidden secrets that point back to the older Doom games that have made them such a fan-loved company. Doom 2016 has been a hit surprise for gamers everywhere.