For the average changes goes this: I would like to receive these updates for your territories in the comment section below as an reply to my ‘updates’ post. It is possible that inbetween updates more changes are made because of new information that requires a quick change on the map.

I update the map once a month or inbetween if big things have happened. Territories may still be discussed or are subject to change because of events like war or alliances made. Then some additional information regarding the map. Your understanding is greatly appreciated :wink: I will then do my best to find the right information and fix whatever mistake i made. I’ll read these before the next update comes out. If this is the case I would appreciate it if you don’t shoot me down instantly but leave me a comment about what I missed under the updates section of the comments down below. however, I realise there might be a chance however small where I overlook some information on occasion. Next, I try my best with the information available to me. Obviously Friendly tips and/or advice is always welcome. What this means is that staff didn’t ask me to make this map and that in theory i could stop at any moment and those to blame will be the people that make me feel like rubbish for doing this. In recent months i have gotten a lot of negative feedback from various people and whilst i do this with pleasure, it is of my own free mind.

I do it with pleasure but i do want to ask you to keep negative comments to yourself and keep it all civilized in the comment section below. Now, before you continue reading I want to state that this project takes a lot of time. Welcome to the SWRPA map post made possible by yours truly.